This program/presentation focuses on the Roman soldier
during the first Century, roughly 60-120 AD/CE at the
height of Roman Legion prowess.
I explain the origins of the Legionary, his arms, armor,
and equipment. I discuss everyday life of a
Legionary, what was expected of him, as well as discussing
the Fighting Tactics and strategy of the Romans, and try
to utilize audience participation as best I can.
My presentation has evolved and changed over the years,
reflecting the newest archaeological discoveries, academic
research, and re-examining or re-evaluating what we know
and how we know it; my theories and interpretations try
reflect this.
I try to utilize Three Elements in my program:
1. The Artifacts themselves,
what has been excavated.
2. Something Written about those
artifacts or objects, surviving written evidence.
3. Artwork, what survives in
Roman artwork in sculpture, fresco, mosaic, etc.
All of my replicas are copies of actual artifacts that
are seen in museums and collections (and I'm slowly
acquiring some actual artifacts of my own collection!), or
otherwise a combination of at least 2 of these Elements. I
try to have a variety of objects that pertain to the Roman
military and Roman culture. One of my growing
interests is in the writings left behind by the Romans,
particularly from Roman-Egypt. I have a couple of
wax tablets, papyrus, wood slips and ostraka that can be
handled by the audience.

My program generally aims to give just a glimpse into the
soldier himself, who he was, what he was up against.
The soldier’s life was and is never easy, and they are
always connected to civilization and society. I try
to get people "up close" to the arms and armor so they can
see how it works, how it fits on the body, how the weapons
were designed and used, etc. I try to incorporate as
much "audience participation" as possible for an
interactive experience.
Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation about the
Roman army out there, be it from TV, Movies, Games, or
even old textbooks and history books. Sometimes an
interpretation or theory ends up becoming a "fact" with no
solid basis or shoddy evidence. I'm regularly
researching and keeping on top of the newest
archaeological and academic information available in Roman
military studies, and my program and presentation has
changed several times in the 10+ years I've been at it.
A much more detailed description of my
presentation and the topics I try to touch on (ie
STEM/STEAM, Archaeology, Science, etc) can
be found Here.
Lecture: 45 minutes to 1
hour. I present on the topics mentioned above.
Interactive Lecture: 35 ~
minutes. I give a brief synopsis with more time (ca
15-20 minutes) for Q & A for the audience/students.
Hands-On / Try-On: (time depends
on space available). A few tables with replica
helmets, wax tablets, personal items, dice, and some of
(my) research books can be made available for students to
examine and try on, take selfies, etc.
All of my Roman programs have me in my
soldier's "kit" (see photos), I can dress either in the
more popular Imperial (wearing the so-called Lorica
Segmentata), or, come dressed in an earlier period seen in
the Punic Wars until Caesar (wearing maille)
Program costs are not affected by
these options, and, I am open to varying these formats if
you're looking for something specific. I try to be
pretty flexible.
Program History:
I have presented notably at Higgins Armory Museum
in Worcester, which closed in 2013, although the
collection is now part of the Worcester Art Museum.
I continue to present at WAM on a somewhat regular basis
similarly as I did at Higgins. Since 2004 I have
visited several schools and colleges in the New England
region; have presented or provided "presence" at
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Virginia
Junior Classical Leagues; The International Archaeology
Day annual event at the Museum of Science Boston; colleges
and universities have included Fitchburg State, Brandeis,
Syracuse, Brown/Joukowsky Institute, Assumption, College
of the Holy Cross, Franklin Pierce, UMass Boston, UMass
Amherst and also at Penn Museum and Franklin Institute in
Philadelphia. I also try to attend the Annual
Meeting of the Classical Association of New England.
For an extensive list of schools and other venues,
please see