Andy Volpe: About the Artwork



About Andy

Living History



My path in Art:

I like the tell people I have been drawing since I was old enough to pick up a crayon and eat it.  I have been drawing as far back as I can remember. I also remember spending time doodling in my notebooks and on my brown paper textbook covers in school, perhaps much to the dismay of my teachers. (although I was always good in school)

I started taking private instruction around 1990-91 with the late Christine O'Brien in Southbridge (L'atelier de Christine).  While in Middle & High School, I was able to take some classes in Mechanical and Architectural Drafting.  I loved it.  I really think that precision and detailed hand stayed in me as I moved into more of the Fine Arts stuff in College.

I attended Westfield State College and hold a Bachelor's of Art in Fine Arts, concentration in Drawing.  My "unofficial" minors were in Printmaking and Art History.

Printmaking is really where my focus has been the last few years.  Since my first print at Westfield, I was immediately hooked.  I am a huge fan of the Old Masters, and have been researching and replicating their processes and techniques since about 2004. 

Printing experience (in college) consisted of the usual, Wood block, Wood Engraving, Etching, Drypoint, Aquatint, Collograph, Monoprint, and Lithography. (Professors Jaimie Wainwright, Pat Conant, and Gerald Wise).  I've picked up some familiarity with Letterpress over the years as well.

But it was with Intaglio that I really enjoyed and wanted to do more work in.

After College, I took classes and open studios at Worcester Art Museum. I also had the pleasure of taking classes with the late Tom Lewis, later with Randi LeSage, and Eugene Charov.

In 2004-05, I really started to dig into the research and experimentation of the Old Master techniques, using references like Cennini's "il Libro Dell'Arte" (aka "The Craftsman's Handbook") from 1437, and Gorgio Vasari in 1570. 

I gave a lecture with Julie Collier of Wingmasters in 2006, where I explained some of these techniques I had just started to research, while she gave a presentation with her Raptors on the sport Falconry.  It was to be a catalyst moment, during a conversation with Julie and dear friend, author Resa Nelson, about Art, Me, and where I was going.  Eventually it would develop into the Medieval-Renaissance Artist and Printing School presentations.

I continue my study of Old Masters techniques in drawing and printmaking, and have displayed and demonstrated at a handful of Renaissance Faires and the Museum of Printing in Haverhill.  Around 2010 when the museum was in North Andover, I met Gary Gregory, who started the Printing Office of Edes & Gill, soon after establishing the shop at the Clough House with the Old North Church, where I replicate the engravings of Paul Revere and other important 18th century prints around the time of the American Revolution.  The Printing Office recently moved to Faneuil Hall, and on March 7, 2020, we printed my hand-engraved, full size exact replica of Revere's "Boston Massacre" engraving, doing the same thing he did 250 years earlier.

Thanks for reading.


C: 2008 – 2020 A. Volpe